François Lanusse

Cosmologist / Astrostatistician @ CNRS, currently on leave at the Flatiron Institute in New York City, member of the CosmoStat Laboratory near Paris.

I am a CNRS researcher working at the intersection between Deep Learning, Statistical Modeling, and Observational Cosmology. I am particularly interested in combining tools and methodologies from the field of Machine Learning (automatic differentiation, deep generative models, score-based high-dimensional inference) with physical modeling for the analysis of Stage IV Cosmological Surveys.

I am currently co-Chair of the LSST Informatics & Statistics Science Collaboration (LSST ISSC) and actively involved in the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration (LSST DESC).

Before my CNRS position, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics (BCCP) and with the Foundation of Data Analysis (FODA) institute at UC Berkeley, working with Prof. Uroš Seljak. Before that, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the McWilliams Center for Cosmology at Carnegie Mellon University, where I was working with Prof. Rachel Mandelbaum on weak gravitational lensing measurements and systematics, and interacted with both Statistics and Machine Learning departments while at CMU.


Sep 25, 2023

Starting a one year position at the Flatiron Institute! I will be based in New York City until Sept. 2024.

Jul 29, 2023

Check out all the great submissions that were accepted at the 2023 ICML ML4Astro Workshop in Hawai’i :hibiscus:!

May 22, 2023

Great three days of machine learning and astrophysics at CCA for the Cosmic Connections Symposium. All recordings are here.

Feb 13, 2023

jax-cosmo paper is out on the arxiv :tada: thanks to the work of a lot of people! Fisher forecasts are now officially super easy!

Jan 30, 2023

Open PhD position at CEA Saclay to work with me on using generative modeling and autodiff to measure cosmic shear from space 🛰️. Application deadline March 10th.

Dec 12, 2022

Very cool project :sunglasses: led by Yesukhei Jagvaral in collaboration with Rachel Mandelbaum on developing diffusion models for the SO3 Lie group to model galaxy intrinsic orientations in simulations. Full ML paper on this coming soon.

Nov 26, 2022

Pre-release of jaxDecomp, a JAX library providing bindings to NVIDIA’s cuDecomp adaptive pencil decomposition library for efficient multi-node/multi-gpu 3D FFTs and halo exchanges.

Nov 15, 2022

Multiple papers accepted in the Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences Workshop at NeurIPS 2022 :tada:

Nov 7, 2022

New astro paper on Differentiable Halo Occupation Distributions led by Ben Horowitz demonstrating that it’s not because your model is stochastic and involves discrete variables that you can’t backprop through it :wink:

selected publications

  1. Probabilistic mass-mapping with neural score estimation
    B. Remy, F. Lanusse, N. Jeffrey, and 4 more authors
    Astronomy and Astrophysics Apr 2023
  2. The Dawes Review 10: The impact of deep learning for the analysis of galaxy surveys
    M. Huertas-Company, and F. Lanusse
    Publications of the Astron. Soc. of Australia Jan 2023
  3. Bayesian uncertainty quantification for machine-learned models in physics
    Yarin Gal, Petros Koumoutsakos, Francois Lanusse, and 2 more authors
    Nature Reviews Physics Sep 2022
  4. Neural Posterior Estimation with Differentiable Simulator
    Justine Zeghal, Francois Lanusse, Alexandre Boucaud, and 2 more authors
    In Machine Learning for Astrophysics Jul 2022